1. TOGO Networks, LLC performs an analysis of your current website and creates a proposal to outline all costs.
  2. If a template is not picked, we will provide 5 suggested templates for your new website.
  3. A testing server is created and content of the current website is moved to the new WordPress template.  We provide you a link to your WordPress website so that you can monitor our progress.  This development server is hidden from the public (and search engines).
  4. As the website is finished and tested, we’ll help you move it to the desired hosting company – or you can choose to host your new converted WordPress website with TOGO Networks, LLC.
  5. Lastly, we will provide a brief training session in order to show you how to make changes and edits to your new website content.

Contact us to help you convert your existing website to WordPress. This is an affordable way to put the reigns on your web designer’s monthly maintenance contract and take back control of your web content. For a quick price quote, click here.

Why convert to WordPress?

Do YOU have a site that you can’t afford to change, or you want an easier system for managing / updating / improving your content?  WordPress is the answer that you have been looking for.  Millions of website now use WordPress as their Content Management System for its simple and easy to learn backend, ease of expansion, built in SEO features, and for the library of hundreds of thousands of free plugins.

Are you satisfied with your current website but need more control over the content? Does your business need to start taking advantage of content creation and blogging? The best solution to these (and many website problems) is to convert your website in WordPress. WordPress offers an unbeatable and simple to use interface to add and edit pages with ease. Converting a website to WordPress can make your website much easier to manage, better ranked for organic search, and just plain more affordable.

Contact TOGO Networks, LLC to learn more about our WordPress conversion service and learn how managing your web content with WordPress can save your company time and money. Our WordPress websites are super SEO friendly and help to rank your website among the top of the search engines.

Request A Free WordPress Conversion Estimate